
By ArcLight

Inverness Creative Academy

We made a first visit to Crown, the part of Inverness directly up above the city centre. It is full of rather nice houses, mainly built in the nineteenth century, and also the Inverness Creative Academy, which is located in a former school building which has been beautifully restored. Today, the building housed both a makers' market and an art exhibition. And a cafe where we enjoyed bacon rolls after visiting the market and the exhibition. All rather fun, and part of our efforts to understand more about what the whole area in which we are living has to offer.

Afterwards, we went back to more familiar ground, with a visit - perhaps the last of the season - to Highland Lilliums, plus a quick nose around the Ardfearn Nurseries, also on the road out to Beauly from Inverness.

Back here, we did quite a bit of titivation of the spaces, with more planting up of the newly created bed by the front garden gate. We also filled in some gaps by the path with some stones, and put some self-setting mortar on top, which we had purchased last year in the vain hope of sorting out the crazy paving (no such luck....we all know how that ended). Hopefully, it will indeed set over the next day or so, although it's not as warm as it was when the people who did our patio put the same type of mortar (in a different colour) into the gaps between the paving stones. We also finally removed the poppy debris from the back garden, and set about re-using that raised bed for some plants that need 'special measures'.

All in all, a rather satisfying day.

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