
By KathyH58


The portulaca flowers open when it is sunny and close up when it is cloudy or getting dark. I have 4 of the planted in a bowl just outside my window, a yellow one, 2 hot pink ones and one that is red and yellow.

A busy day, it was 3:30 by the time I got home this afternoon. Then I had to be at the restaurant for supper by 5:30. Out of the 20 people that were there only 3 have August birthdays. I think the organizer has learned a lot in the past year. I was at the same pub almost a year ago with some of the same group, but it was before all the drama happened. After I left that day I wasn't sure if I would go back, I didn't feel that it was a friendly group. Then the group split and I didn't go out with either group most of the winter. In the spring I decided to go back and it is a very different group now that the clique has their own little private group. Everyone talks to everyone. Tonight I ended up sitting with some other women from Dartmouth, and I exchanged phone numbers with one of them, she is organizing a few coffee meets for the Dartmouth members, so we have a chance to get to know each other better.

Every one is commenting on how much they are enjoying the group, and they have been out socially more this summer than they have been in years, and done new things too.

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