
By KathyH58


The usual Sunday morning routine of house cleaning, watering indoor plants and going to brunch. I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to do this afternoon. Go for a walk at the Public Gardens or go for a drive around Lawrencetown to look for shore birds. I also had a couple of errands to get done, so I decided to do them, then go to Lawrencetown. High tide was 1:15, so I thought a couple of hours after high tide should be a good time, but the tide was still too high, there were no shore birds, all I saw was a few ducks.
After I came home I watched bits and pieces of the closing ceremony for the Olympics. Then went out and put the tools on the truck ready for tomorrow and did some deadheading in my own garden. I also had  a walk around to take a few photos. Sitting here tonight I have been watching the sunset, so I decided it would make a good blip for today.

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