
By KathyH58

Llama and sandpipers

I went to the valley today and had the back of the truck filled with plants by noon, so the afternoon was mine. Unfortunately it was cloudy with off an on showers. The humidity was high too so I didn't venture very far from the air conditioned truck.
One of the farms has 2 llamas and they often have them in a pasture close to the road. People often stop to see them, and kids can pet them. This one was standing close to the fence, hoping for some treats.
I drove out to The Guzzle in Grand Pre. An hour later would have been better for photos as it would have been closer to high tide. At this time of year the shore birds are migrating. Thousands of sandpipers and semi-palmated plovers stop here on their way south as the mud flats provide an excellent feeding ground. The extra shows some of the sand pipers as they flew in and landed. It is so interesting to watch them, they fly in murmurations, hundred of them.
It rained all the way home. It did stop this evening so I was able to go out and get the truck unloaded.

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