
By flavia13


A busy day today.  Hubby had to go to the opticians at 9.50 this morning, so we got into town quite early.  Whilst he was in the opticians I did our weekly shopping in Tescoes - well I got what I could, the one in Grange is so tiny and with a lot of holiday makers in self catering of some sort or another some sections were already depleted - no matter I got what I could and picked up our order from Higgies.

Then I popped onto the Prom for a quick walk and saw a huge crowd of cross bay wakers right over the other side of the Bay.  Unfortunately, for the first time in I don't know how long, I didn't bring my Nikon with me and only had the Samsung.  I tried to take a photo but they were too far away for me to get anything.   Ahh well never mind.  

Met up with hubby for Brunch.   He is now up the allotment whilst I'm doing some general tidying up.

I thought the damsons would make a good blip, so here they are, looking pretty good really.  The apples are coming on nicely too.

Aaarrgh I don't know what's happened to the computer but I keep getting non-stop McAfee pop-ups. I've investigate and understand they are fakes but I've followed a couple of guides on how to get rid of them and nothing is working.  They are so annoying.  I  don't have McAfee I use Norton so no idea how they even got on my system.  If I can't get rid of them I guess a trip to Kendal to JML to see if they can help.

I did also have Yahoo hijack every search I did but I've managed to fix that as I prefer Google, so yeah me on that one.

That's all from me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will se e you all tomorrow

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