
By soozsnapz

Down the road

I’m on my way to feed my neighbour’s cat. I like this front garden next door to the cat’s house. Also watering the front and back gardens of my neighbours who feed Portia. Gives me great pleasure to be able to help them a bit in exchange.
A strange day. Did big Tesco shop, a fair bit of gardening, some Olympics listening and watching. Following current events in Uk with a feeling of despair. One of the worst people in this whole situation is Elon Musk, as far as I’m concerned. Some neo Nazis have been arrested and charged - and not given bail.
In the evening I learned next they are planning to march here on Wednesday night. Starting at Old Market. This area includes: the gay quarter, many homeless people’s projects, Fareshare where I volunteer, social housing for people who have origins elsewhere than England, solicitors who work on immigration issues, community cohesion and support projects. If they are ‘marching’ they will immediately be in areas of British people of Somali origin, British people of Caribbean origin, British people who are Muslim, and Sikh. Also some people who have joined us more recently and weren’t born here. Two mosques, one Gudwara. And lots of shops. It’s just terrible. Not enough police to protect everyone and everything.

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