Light entertainment

By annejohn

After the recital

Warm and humid all day. Walked over to St Marys for the 11.00 piano recital by John Bryden.

Sonata in B minor ,A. Scarlatti
Brim  L. Berio 
Rondo in A minor K.511 W. A. Mozart 
Wasserklavier .L. Berio 
Four Impromptus F. Schubert 
Prelude and Fugue in F minor J. S. Bach 

A lot of music for an hour; played straight through with no pauses for applause or talking. The Schubert was superb; the Berio did not stand up to the rest of the material well. Coffee and tea available afterwards; I talked to someone who lives on Palmerston Place and enjoys the cathedral music. 

Went in to Bonhams in Melville Crescent, who have a charity auction exhibition open; some very good modern British paintings donated to Brain Tumour Research; bidding is online until 12 August. 

Out again after supper to walk round the town; there was a shower, then more rain later.

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