
By Angelique

'AFTER THE NOISE' - Ben & Alfie(google & Y

Well as you can imagine, we were pretty pooped after yesterday's spectacular event. So here we see Matthew doing his usual, head in a book, Mr A attending to his lawn and Phoebe generally observing everything just in case there might be anything to chase or eat.

I was too busy today trying to keep the hanging baskets/window boxes & tubs alive. I now use old squash bottles with 3 skewered holes in the tops, filled with water and propped up inside the baskets so the water slowly drips through. By doing it 3 times/day it has kept everything alive.

We are now sitting outside in the candle lit garden, (see previous blip) having a glass of fizz before we all return to work/care home.

Hope you've all enjoyed a super weekend. Yes I know it's been hot but look at the positives - you haven't had to fly out of the country jostling in crowded Air terminals. You've had the luxury of mediteranean weather but the perks of your own home - how 'cool' is that. And it wont last for long then we'll all return back to english weather.

Have a good week - thanks for dropping by, until the next time.

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