
By Angelique


We have attended Yeovilton Air Day for over 10 years, sheltered from cold, rain and storms but never 32 degrees heat. After walking through the large hangers where there are static displays, it was like a scene from war torn Bosnia. There were people lying on the floor looking exhausted, glad to shelter away from the sun's glare.

Fortunately we had the foresight to take a couple of umbrellas so were able to sit covered in factor 30 suncream with hats, sunglasses and as cool clothing as possible.

What to blip? I was spoilt for choice. I have taken amazing shots of the Avro Vulcan flying overheard with it's bomb doors open. The noise is amazing because it makes an awsome banshee howl. It is powered by 4 Rolls Royce engines with each one giving a thrust of over 1000. I'm not technical but I do know power when I see or hear it.

I also managed to get a shot of the new Typhoon which was as noisy as the Vulcan and so quick it was difficult to 'pin it down'. Mr A is working with the MOD at the moment on this particular project so new all about it. In fact all the helicopters that featured today, Apache, Merlin, Sea King, he has worked with them all. Later he told me that he has now worked with the Army, Navy and the Air Force, not bad for a lad who left school with no O levels. It goes to show that it is possible to study and get on after school life. His Dad would have been proud of him.

But I digress, I decided, that this shot of the Red Arrows display team, who were performing as we arrived summed up the amazing day. I've never seen so many people present so hopefully they will have raised a good sum of money. In Matthew's words 'It was flippin' brilliant'. He found some books he wanted, six in fact, so he was a happy bunny. He also got his fish/chips and we came home without too much traffic and had Pimms and a bbq.

All in all a very special day. Hope yours has been too and I thank you for dropping in for a 'chat'. Till we meet again - sleep in peace!!

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