
By Angelique

Petite Fleur

Today started quite misty but by the time I had rounded up all Matthews new books, packed his weekend bag, and got him bathed, dressed and fit for the world, the sun was breaking through.

It is always difficult returning him to his care home and my other son Adrian was there to greet me. I enjoyed a big hug from him and he seemed pleased to see me. Adrian has always hated being hot and sticky so this weather is very stressful for him. He suffers terribly with hay fever and his right eye was severely bruised where he had been rubbing. It's a shame that while the rest of us enjoy the summer months - he does not, preferring the cool autumn and winter.

So after returning from work, doing my washing chores etc. and then dressmaking, what to blip? I have always enjoyed working with plants and create my own hanging baskets. This is one of a pair that hang each side of our front door and as I've already stated, I use old squash bottles to water them.

Hope you like my colourful flowers, have enjoyed your day and have a great night's sleep. Until we 'meet' again..........

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