That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Pack Horse Court

Saturday is Market Day in Keswick so that's a must for me. One or two purchases were made, none of cake or pies, though. Afterwards we wandered round, passing through this lovely arcade which is attached to a C17 inn.

Eventually (traffic crazy and, by distraction, rejoining it) we reached Honister Pass, stopping at the slate mine cafe - busy but cheerfully well-organised, the food's good, too.

Traffic absolutely bonkers round Buttermere, caused by illegal roadside parking and oncoming bus, delayed us such that we arrived at the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway 10 minutes after the last steam-hauled trip had left but, no matter, we had time to potter and have an ice cream before the last departure, hauled by a diesel.

On returning to Ravenglass we decided to head back 'the pretty way', by which I mean by-roads to and over Hard Knot and Wrynose Passes to Ambleside and back along main roads.

More photos may follow but it's time for bed.

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