
The Flumlet was really excited with the plan to play in the Bubbleparc in Princes Street Gardens but had to wait a few minutes as they were not quite set up. We wandered over to the Ross Fountain, which he said he had not seen before (extra photo), then returned to the bubbles to wait. We watched while his bubble was inflated with air through a big hose before it was unzipped for him to climb in. 

He had all the water to himself (the advantage of being first in the queue) and we watched him jumping and turning somersaults until two other lads turned up, when he played with them. As the queue built up the attendant was busy selling tickets and didn't notice that the Flumlet was still playing,10 minutes after his 5-minute session; in fact his bubble was beginning to steam up and he was practically gasping to come out.

Mercifully released, we took a seat at the picnic tables and enjoyed an ice cream while he cooled off, then pottered up to see the statue of Wojtek, the bear that joined the Polish army, before heading over to Waterstones to purchase the new novel by Professor Alice Roberts, which was featured on the BBC this morning. It's called Wolf Road. a story set in pre-history which tells of how Neanderthals and humans came to share DNA ( I think that's the gist - we haven't read it yet).

Then it was back on the bus to relax for the rest of the day.

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