
By LadyFindhorn

The Circus is in Town

The circus is in town, not 150yds from my patio and back door. As far as I know it’s not an animal circus, more an acrobatic one, not that I would necessarily know since I haven’t been to see it.
It’s very hot today in the kind of airless  Mediterranean way where the air is still and heavy and with a quietness that makes one think of siestas behind closed shutters. For once there are no youths kicking a ball about, and so you know everyone is feeling the heat.

I had things to do today. The things that one feels have to be done in order to go on holiday with a clear conscience - beds changed, prescriptions collected to last for the duration, hair cut, a pedicure executed and things to be packed placed beside the case , all these sort of organisational things. Next will come the cleaning , done to a level that has been missed since the last holiday. It’s all ridiculous but I do have Yorkshire daughter coming to stay while I’m away and I don’t want her to think my standards are slipping.

It will come as a relief on Saturday to munch my Tunnock’s Caramel Wafer biscuit in the peace and comfort of the Loganair plane winging it’s way to Kirkwall. I hope I won’t be remembering something vital that I have forgotten.

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