
By LadyFindhorn

Big Sand Castles

Imagine our surprise when the daughter and I traipsed down to groyne 5 at Porty this morning to discover two large diggers and a tractor making huge sandcastles in their quest to stabilise the wooden groyne  and so denying us access to change. Nothing daunted we retreated to groyne 4 which has been mended and where the current movement of machinery isn’t impacting on bathers.

It was such a lovely morning and with the bonus of a warm sea, (relatively speaking),  we were in no hurry to rush off for a bus and a hot drink. Instead we found ourselves walking to the bus stop through little lanes that lead down to the sea and could have come straight out of some little old fishing village. It was so quiet and peaceful and a million miles away from the horrendous crush of humanity further up the road.

Because we were later and more relaxed about leaving the beach, we qualified for lunch at McDonald’s - naughty but nice, especially as there is no possibility of it being repeated in the next few months.

It was another afternoon for crosswords and Sudoku on the patio but not before I mailed a bag of wool which won’t fit in my case, to Orkney. Busy hands are happy hands!

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