
By Wildwood

Mono Monday. : : Spiky

There's practically nothing in our garden that isn't spiky (including our dog whose nickname is 'Spikey')  This is a small agave (one of three) which is perfectly formed but has wicked spikes. The shadows made an interesting mono shot.

I will not go into the total frustrations involved in trying to deal with a neurologist whose seems happy to order tests but totally unwilling to share the results, but it occupied the better part of our day. I think we both feel that if John can't get an appointment in a more timely manner, we will look for another doctor, but there are plenty of complications involved in doing that too, not the least of which is that nobody will know what was going through this guy's mind when he ordered these tests in the first place.

Just as a side rant, I was thinking about the fact that more and more there seems to be an assumption that everyone has access to a computer, and knows how to use every new process that comes around. For many like me, it is a fairly steep learning curve to figure out things like QR codes or how to use dual authentication on a single device. I can read a newspaper online, but I don't want to. I have been reading the newspaper over a cup of coffee in the morning for 60 years and I prefer it to more screen time.   Not everybody is 1) able to afford a computer 2) able bodied enough to use a keyboard and read a screen 3) has  a son-in-law who is an electrical engineer and a computer expert. Through dogged determination I can usually figure things out, but it takes forever, I wind up with a headache and there are so many other things I would rather be doing with my time.

But now Spikey, the canine one, wants me to throw his Kong for him, something I much prefer to trying to hack into John's health portal....The main challenge is trying not to throw Spikey's Kong into one of our spiky plants.

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