
My eldest was up and dressed and ready for action earlier than she has been all week today. The reason for all this excitement? Horse-riding at some nearby stables that she's been looking forward to ever since we saw their leaflet. And her one-hour trek didn't disappoint by all accounts.

A pretty lazy day today for the rest of us. Scorching hot again, in and out the house, in and out of the the sun, down to the rocks for this and that throughout the day, a bit of sunbathing, a bit of stone-skimming, reading, general loafing and the like.

My girls got to choose which beach we went to over teatime, seeing as it was our last full day of the holiday. I was hinting about Scalpsie Beach for seal-watching but they went for Ettrick Bay for the swimming. And then we missed a turn off and ended up driving around most of the island anyway to get there, but with the windows wide open and the breeze blowing through the sky that was actually pretty nice and refreshing in itself. We should maybe have missed a few more tunings over the last few days.

Late tea, outside as always, the temperature only dropped maybe one or two degrees over the course of the evening and when I decided to come in for the night and shut the back door for the one last time I checked the kitchen clock
and noted it down in the notebook for posterity - 11.15.

Summat from my album of the year so far to end.

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