
All packed up and ready for home. A bit cooler and cloudy with it, very little sun, although you could see it breaking over the hills on the mainland. We went down to Kilchattan Bay for the morning. And I had to swim in the sea for one last time even though I had to wade out further than ever and the water was really cold and the breeze out there was quite chilly in itself as well. The walk back to the beach from the sea was one that I have mentally filed away as 'bracing'.

So, a morning at the beach, lunch at the pub and then back to Rothesay for the four o'clock ferry. Gloriously sunny by now and I spent the thirty minutes of the trip across the Firth Of Clyde up on deck, watching Bute recede into the distance. And then, in just over an hour and three quarter's time after docking at Wemyss Bay we were home. I can quite honestly say that the last week's holiday has been one of the best we've ever had, everything just clicked - location, cottage weather, everything. I think we might well be back.

Home Again

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