Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We had a great service at Church this morning and it was good to be back - we hadn’t been for two weeks, so lots of people kindly asked how I was doing - I was pleased to report that things are moving in the right direction.

Before the service I had taken a shot of one of the beautiful banners with a great promise and the alstroemerias were my favourite colour, so my Blip was partly done!

Our preacher this morning was one of our own - and he wore traditional Nigerian dress - shown here with his wife.  The reading was one from the Old Testament, Exodus 14 : 3-14 and his theme was “The Pathway to Victory” - and the traditional “Baptist” way of preaching with 4 points - often 3, but one more was fine!  

One of those points was that even silence or stillness was something that could help us on “our pathway” and I have had to embrace that very much in the past few weeks.  

The verse at the end of the reading was the one shown at the bottom left - I had made this, using one of my photographs, several years ago and  obviously then, when I was more active, didn’t realise the significance of it.  I now accept that God can do as much when I am still and silent as when I am very busy.  In fact, before we went, I had been praying about a situation and felt that God said “Leave it to me” - so if this wasn’t confirmation of that, then I don’t know what was!

We had a good time chatting with friends after the service and by 2 o’clock I was ready for a nap - and didn’t wake up until gone 5 o’clock so it’s now time to get our evening meal.

Hope your weekend has been good so far and that you all have a great week.  M xx 

P.S.  The Silly Saturday Gang were thrilled with all the love shown to them yesterday - many thanks.

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