Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

We thought that Mrs. HCB would appreciate going out to somewhere special this morning, so we chatted with Mr. HCB and he agreed with us that she would probably like to visit “her field” - the special place she used to go to and walk around during the lockdowns.

When we told her we were going for a walk and where we were going, she was smiling from ear to ear!

Although the field hasn’t changed that much, because all the trees were still there, of course, many of the wild flowers had grown quite tall so it did look different.  We soon found the willow and the oak, which looked good and there were lots of acorns on the oak.  We stood underneath the willow and watched the long branches swaying in the wind - it was great!

Then we spotted the very large branch we had found way back on 15th October 2022 and we had almost forgotten that we had used this for a Silly Saturday shot during Pinktober - it brought back lots of memories for all of us.

We decided to make a collage to show you more of our nature walk - and the top left shot shows us all on the large branch and some of us climbed up the tree trunk.  It doesn’t look much different today, but lots of the Gang are still in Australia, but we are still a goodly number.

In the second shot, Mr. HCB is giving a helping hand to some of us who couldn’t climb very well - it was a good job he was there, but dear Admirer would have laughed, because we found an old bottle stuck in a hole in the trunk - of course, we didn’t open the bottle, in fact, we just left it where it was - but we think it might have been something alcofrolic and we aren’t keen on that sort of stuff!

Then, as we walked back, Mr. HCB spotted this beautiful little butterfly, called a Speckled Wood.  They were both delighted to see it, as they only said the other day that they hadn’t seen many butterflies this year.  Apparently, this butterfly likes woodland glades, and Mrs. HCB’s field is certainly that and looked lovely in the summer sunshine.

We also saw lots of apples on the tree in what we think used to be an orchard, so in a couple of months, we need to go back and see if we can pick some of them - that will be exciting and I daresay Mrs. HCB will make some apple pies!

Near where Mr. & Mrs. HCB live are host of Horse Chestnut trees, but sadly many of them have a disease - although the ones that Mrs. HCB saw as they walked back along the verge looked quite good and their conkers were spiky and green - so that is something else for us to do in the Autumn - go and pick up some conkers.  We think we will be having a busy time in the next few months.

We hope you all have a great weekend - Mrs. HCB asked us to thank you for your kind comments yesterday - she said she feels much better after her walk this morning - and said you have obviously been listening to what we say and have been KIND - but there is still room for much more kindness in the world, so keep BEING KIND - we are grateful and dear Admirer would be too.

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

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