Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

A poignant (for me) picture of LC in the garden first thing this morning. Completely unaware of the new adventure, hopefully on the road to her real home, was about to begin.

After feeding her I managed on the fourth attempt to wrestle her into a carrier so we could transport her to the clinic at the Multnomah County animal services. At first she was frantic inside the carrier, it was so upsetting. She calmed down once we started driving but cried all the way there, to add to the woes the freeway was closed so a slow alternate route out to Troutdale. I kept it together (just about) and managed to save my own crying for the drive home.

After completing the admitting paperwork on LC they took her away. They returned my carrier and the nurse was able to tell us right away that they'd scanned LC and she has a chip and the nurse was about to look the owner up on the database and give them a call. LC would be getting a full health exam.

I am hopeful for LC's future. I was given her admitting ID number and can call on Monday for a status update on how she is doing.

I am emotionally drained.

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