Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Need anything from the store?

The only shot I took today and in the middle of a thunder storm. Oh well. Plaid Pantry is a chain of convenience stores based in Oregon (I think it has a couple of stores in Washington) and was completely new to us when we moved to the state. The store has this wonderfully twee name that really is at odds with the reality of the stores which are your basic convenience store (essentially a local version of 7-11) and there's not a swatch of plaid to be found anywhere. :-)

Anyway, they're useful places to have around and it's kind of nice to have something specific to a place, I think.

Significantly cooler today, 74ºF/23ºC, thunder and lightning.

Congratulations to Germany! So glad the match didn't go to penalty shoot-out.

I am very behind so comments are off for today.

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