This yoga mat ain't big enough for the both of us.
Doyle does this every time I roll out the yoga mat for my exercises. She'll stretch, roll around, I move her over so I can get to do my own routine, although she often tries to join in with that too.
I took a whole series of these shots as she was being particularly amusing, it was hard to decide today, her smile and flicking tail eventually won.
An update on another cat, LC our visitor kitty: Tomorrow we take her to the vet for a chip scan. We're pretty sure at this point she's been abandoned or is lost, for the last couple of weeks she's been practically living in the garden and yard surrounding the house and becoming noticeably thinner so we took the step of starting to feed her. By law we have to take her in to be scanned and get her info into the Multnomah County lost pet database, if no one claims her after that in 6 days, then she can be legally adopted. I hope we can find a happy ending for Little Cat.
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