
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 78/94
Main activity: Tues - around the house, pool, work
Notes: Slow morning but did some work on BranchOUT and SpeakOUT - posted and updated some images, docs, etc. Talked to Mom for a bit after she texted asking if I'm still planning to fly back this weekend (never really planned, grabbed the flight just in case but am considering it - pretty hard food-wise tho). Went to the pool, this shot of the 2 buildings to the east that looked completely abandoned jumped out at me  ~11a for about an hour. Did a Lorie Ladd meditation when I got back - got mostly thru it and then went out in the last part and slept deeply for a bit. Made a couple eggs and had a leftover piece of beef bacon and some chicken bone broth. Little things after for awhile ... Jumped back and did more work then and later heard from Carlene about getting a new basic site live in a week in her Tekmatix system (hmm, could be a challenge!). Still tired and a bit low energy most of the day. Another nice rainstorm in the afternoon (minus the heart-shocking thunder). Streamed shows in the evening - more huge storms and heavy rain late evening into the night.

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