
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 78/93
Main activity: Mon - around the house, pool, barely work
Notes: Woke early-ish and had woken thru the night only once that I could remember. Felt more off and just blah all morning. Online and had coffee, put some soy/corn-free chicken thighs in the crock pot. Zoom w/ Susan 930-10a to catch up. Went to the pool not too long after until almost noon. Did a meditation and rested a little. Meal was the remaining broccoli pesto quinoa from freezer and added the fresh juicy chicken (came out so good!) and some toasted pumpkin seeds. Had a piece of sprouted toast w/ butter and jam ... not a great carnivore meal but still all healthy and satisfied some of the carb & veggie cravings and felt more balanced. Made another batch of kombucha jello and designed a new version of the BranchOUT post for Facebook promo this week. Late afternoon storms w/ startling thunder again, shower ~5p, made a quick batch of whipped cream (finished the carton of raw from the produce stand - find using the store one mixed it works as it's too thick and helps remove a bit of the funky flavor). Streamed shows in the evening. (Here is the balloon I bought myself on Sat at Publix on E Bay on my way back from seeing Al in Spring Hill.)

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