Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Back to the North

It was an early start this morning so we could drive back up to Edinburgh. A quick stop in Ikea because, well there's always something you need there, a tasty lunch and back to the flat via sainsbury's. The parents were very kind and did some tidying for me whilst I got the little one ready for a trip to the vet. A couple of hours and we were back home for a quick dinner, some recycling and a trip to B&Q before they headed back down to Cumbria.

Whilst in Sainsbury's we'd bought some nice plants, the parents got some orchids and I chose a herb planter and a cala lilly as I've been wanting one for a while. Exhausted and ready for bed by 9pm I took some quick snaps of my new flowers in the hope one would be blippable.

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