Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Chop, chop

After my trip down home I have spent today researching a lovely, shiny, new toy and accessories. It's not that there's anything wrong with my old one but with a wedding coming up at the end of the year, some extra zoom power and "steady hand" function will be greatly appreciated to ensure the most fantastic shots possible. It also means the boy finally gets a turn with a camera too (well except at times when I still need the trusty "handbag" sized camera).

Unfortunately we have to spend the day in Livingston tomorrow so I'd taken great care to wait until 5pm before ordering my lovely new toy to ensure it wouldn't be delivered until Wednesday. Any other time I'd be so pleased at a company going above and beyond the call of duty to get a parcel out to me quicker, but not today. Now, my lovely new parcel is arriving on Tuesday at an empty house which means I've got to trudge to somewhere near Portobello on Wednesday to collect it.

Oh well.

It's off to bed with me now as we've an early start in the morning.

Backblipped yesterday.


Just realised I've not explained the blip. This is the lovely new cleaver I got in Ikea yesterday. I was very impressed at how easily it hacked through chicken legs this morning as I prepared the fuzzies breakfast and no doubt it will make short work of the rabbit and the saw can go back to its intended use.

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