
By LadyFindhorn

George Square Defiled

The desecration of the George Square gardens is almost complete. Although the Fringe doesn’t begin for another 10days, the eating and drinking facilities are open now and doing business even while the work on the road outside continues. 

I am not sure how Edinburgh is going to support the extra number of tourists about to arrive in the next week or so. The hotels are charging the earth but Edinburgh has a wealth of specialised flats especially built to accommodate  overseas students which can very sneakily be let out to visitors during the summer vacation. Unfortunately some of them are on my doorstep but I have the perfect answer this year - a long vacation away in Orkney , a place which although starting over the same slippery slope of tourism as all the other beautiful interesting places , is not yet ruined.

Trying to arrange a knee X-ray over the phone this morning was time consuming and ended in failure , so I walked up to Lauriston Building and presented myself at reception in order to get a result,  - 3:45pm on Wednesday in my diary.

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