
By LadyFindhorn

Long Live the Weeds

It seems it is the decision of the Edinburgh Parks’ department of the Council to allow verges in the parks to be wild and natural in order to attract wildlife. Hence the springing up in abundance of what are commonly known as weeds but are really pretty plants nevertheless. The Hairy Willow Herb which has shot up on the other side of the Meadows’ wall is my blip for today in the absence  of anything else and looks very pretty peeping through the black railings

It has been another of this year’s summer days - cool, breezy and decidedly grey. It mattered not a jot while we three elders in society shared our views on the state of the world over our lattés in the morning and was hardly noticed as the daughter and I chanced our arm with a meeting in the EIF this afternoon. I had hoped to show her around the building but it seems that only the café is open to the public at the weekend

Thus has the day passed pleasantly in good company and there is much to look forward to this evening with the highlights on TV of the Tour finish in Nice. Who cares if the temperature outside feels like 13° with light rain forecast imminently? I imagine the hordes of holidaymakers jostling for space in the city centre would rather have this temperature than one of 40°.

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