
By zippyhippy

Saturday Sunny Ride

We were 5 hardy souls that headed out this morning in the blazing early morning sunshine. We met one of our crew this morning through the wonderful world of Strava. We saw that he had been doing some of the segments that we were doing so we invited him out with us. Isn't technology a wonderful thing.

Have to say that this morning I felt like the clock had been turned back 3 years and I was back to being a heavy smoker in a body that is 3 stone heavier than it is just now. Had a wee bit of a summer flu on top of a bit of a tummy bug at the start of the week and it's left me feeling a bit wiped out and lacking in energy. Think will take a couple of days rest from doing cardio and try and shift it as it's been hanging about for a week or so which is far to long!!

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