
By LadyFindhorn

Beak Off!

This herring gull was waiting patiently with its beady eye on some scone for breakfast, not my scone, oh no, I don’t often do scones for breakfast, it was my friend’s scone he took a notion for. He had swooped over our heads in hope several times but had finally been sent packing to the other side of the bench.
Before the weather reset itself to type, we sat outside at 9am in warm sunshine and it felt like a summer of old. Not for long though as eventually the clouds rolled in and the sun hid - still warm though.

Having spent all my life ignoring my knees in whatever exercise I was doing, my right one has called time just a fortnight before I go to Orkney for 2 months leaving behind my home support. I panicked enough to get an appointment this morning with the physio at  the doctor’s. I’m to get an X-ray and a cortisone injection in the short term. Hopefully that will allow me to function better. 

Meanwhile I’m sure the thought of the TGIF wine with my neighbours this afternoon will have me walking to the EFI* like the spring chicken I thought I was.
*Edinburgh Futures Institute

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