
By Grammy

On The Road Again

Up at 6:30. Filled the bird feeders and suet holders. As for human food, we have four full coolers and a tub of non perishables. Hubby washed up a few dishes, turned on the dishwasher and finished packing the SUV. We pulled out of the driveway at 8:45. Then I remembered my blip. Went back and got this little guy out of the flower garden. Hubby bought it when we were in TN. His ATV is red so my sister repainted it for him. I think she did a great job. The memories and adventures it represents are too numerous to count. I hope you have something to keep your lovely memories alive. Traffic has been light but we’ve encountered a couple drivers who weren’t paying attention and almost side swiped us. My sister and BIL were a couple hours ahead of us and had similar experiences. At least the weather has been cooperative. The sky was full of fluffy clouds and temps stayed below 90°F. We crossed the PA border a few minutes ago. We should get to the farm around 5:45. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” - Jack Kerouac

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