
By Scobes

Silence of the Roofers

Inevitably, the roofers called off yesterday and then after a lengthy wait without updates this morning, they called off again. They really couldn’t organise a piss-up on a roof. They’ve one more chance and then they’re for the high jump.

I received unwelcome but expected news about the passing of an uncle of the family overnight. Uncle Eddy was a great friend to my father throughout their lives and he’ll be greatly missed by all of us. My mum is especially feeling it today.

Better news from the wood where some younglings were enjoying their first night under canvas, despite the persistent rain. I don’t really recall my first night under canvas but I still love camping today, so hopefully they’ve caught the bug (not caught bugs).

A few hours invested in the garden this afternoon. I pulled nettles and bindweed from a neglected corner and Nancy picked soft fruits for her jam.

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