
By Groggster

Folding Bicycles

Today's image was taken only a few yards from my front door. There was something about these accidentally folded down banners, the depiction of the cyclists and the pattern of the stone wall that strangely appealed to me.
The banners are on the perimeter wall of the nearby Royal British Legion Industries' village in Aylesford and are promoting the the charity's annual Ride With A Veteran event to cycle 173 miles over two days to Ypres in Belgium, the location of some of the fiercest battles of the First World War, where they will place a wreath for the RBLI at the daily last post ceremony under the Menin Gate - a memorial to the Missing that bears the names of the 54,395 soldiers who were killed there during the war, and whose bodies have never been identified or found. It will be such a poignant moment for all those taking apart, especially the veterans, when the complete their journey today.

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