
By pensionspoet

Taking stock…

Actually, buying stock. Through Amazon I ordered some author copies of my book. Just 20 copies to add to my home made crafts stall. I’ll come to that in a while.

Today I spent the morning at mums, gathering bits together, catching up with Manda and then saying farewell to them both plus Rod who arrived yesterday.

Drove to Melbourn where I was meeting Jon’s family to celebrate Sophie’s 21st which was a week ago. I was first to arrive from my family. Mollie was driving down from Norwich and arrived next. Then Jon and Henry were last, arriving on their motorbikes. Dan was busy so couldn’t make it. So between us we pretty much filled the drive with our vehicles.

We ate, had a few hours chatting and sang happy birthday. Then at 6 got back in our cars/on our bikes and headed for home. Driving through pockets of sunshine, followed by torrential rain, thunder and lightning.

Jon and Henry got back safely, just about 10 minutes before me. I’m feeling shattered after the drive and a weekend of late nights and early mornings. This box was sitting on the side waiting for me.

So, back to the books and craft stall. Next Sunday at 2pm in Upper Sheringham church hall, there is a fund raising event being put on by Sheringham Brass Band. My friend is a member. They will be performing outside, and there will be other stalls - so she asked me if I wanted a stall. I had a few bits, and have made a selection of new things - cards, earrings, bracelets and I thought, why not sign a few copies of my book to see if they will sell! I ripped open the box as they had been left in our greenhouse. Thankfully all copies are looking perfect!

And I felt a renewed pride, seeing my 2018 novel (x 20!) in print once more! So I thought, why not share again with you - still available on Amazon - or from me at next weeks fete if you are in Upper Sheringham at 2pm next Sunday 14th!!

Now to get back to my current project - have just passed 51500 words…or rather just 28500 words to go. I will have it finished by November, if I stick to the plan….

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