Look Out

By chrisf

Birds of a Feather

I can’t work out what’s happening with the house martins whose nest sits under the eave of our side gable.

No sight or sound of their return until May 31st, when I noticed a head poking out of the nest entrance (I took a photo which is why I am sure about the date). They are always late.

With dreadful weather in early June I didn’t really keep an eye on them, although I didn’t see them flying around. When I returned from 10 days away at the end of June all seemed to be quiet, although droppings under the nest looked promising. But no sightings. Then earlier this week on a sunny morning I heard them and on checking saw a bird fly out of the nest. That looked promising, although nothing since.

My theory is that the rainy, cool, windy weather isn’t suiting them, and that the lack of insects is causing them to delay breeding. Butterflies, bees and flies are all in short supply, and I presume the small flying insects martins feed on are also reduced, which must be having an impact on these birds.

POSTSCRIPT. The next day I hear martins and so investigate. After a few minutes I see one bird go into the nest and another out. Are they incubating eggs ?

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