
By Bom


I went into town about 8:30 as there was a small gap in the heavy rain showers we’ve had all day, and it’s only been around 13C too. We’ve had 16.8mm of rain so far today and 50.4mm for July, a month’s worth and it’s only 6th! I’ve never known there to have been such weather for both the French Open and so far for Wimbledon as well. It’s such a shame as there are several events this weekend which I wanted to go to including the Potty Festival (Morris dancing teams) at Sheringham and the vintage transport weekend on the railway. I don’t mind getting wet, but I don’t like getting the camera wet. Still I had tennis to watch due to the roof on both to show courts, plus the England match. Whilst in town I looked for a blip, so here you have a selection of glasses in a window of a small antiques shop. Fingers crossed for better weather tomorrow. 

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