
By Jamjar

I drove to Alvaston, left my car in the free carpark and caught the bus to the Florence Nightingale Community Hospital in town. I'd at last got an appointment relating to the removal of a mole from my back. The doctor immediately said, "Yes, that's got to come off"... good job it wasn't an arm or leg! I made an appointment with the receptionist and told her about climbing in Kalymnos in October. It's the only thing I can't really move. 

On the bus back to Alvaston and the Mind shop I had a chance to read the information sheet - not only will I have stitches, but I should avoid strenuous exercise, the gym and stretching for up to six weeks. Bother, it never occurred to me that I'd have to do that......  :-(  I stretch most days, even after a 2 mile walk.

But I'm going to try and look on the bright side, I usually heal quite quickly.

I phoned the hospital and left a message clarifying what my Kalymnos trip involves. She later phoned me back, agreed that a date after I return is best and has made a note. Sorted.

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