There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Keep on the Sunny Side of Life

It was drizzling when I got up in the morning, so I took my new sunflower umbrella along on my walk. The rain didn't really amount to much, but the umbrella was definitely a bright spot in my day.

I have always gone for cheap umbrellas myself, but my big sister Barb used to buy me the prettiest, fanciest umbrellas. There's really nothing that cheers you up on a rainy day faster than watching the rain from under a truly beautiful umbrella.

While making a recent Amazon order, I decided that if my big sister could spoil me that way, I could learn to spoil myself: I bought this new sunflower umbrella, and I plan to be happy every time it rains! 

For this photo, I simply put the umbrella down in the middle of the road on Tow Hill, one of my frequent shady-morning walks in the high heat and humidity of summertime.

And now here is a happy update on a story I shared last week:
I was very upset on Friday afternoon after I discovered a sad and exhausted looking little bird in the ladies' showers at the bathhouse at Canoe Creek State Park. 

I took two pictures of it, and then I left to go get a ranger. Then I turned around to go back, thinking that I'd just nab the bird in a towel and take it outside. When I came back, the bird was GONE. I looked all over for it, then and later. No bird. I was so upset. It needed help and I had FAILED IT.

But when I got home on Friday, I sent a picture of the bird to the park email address, telling them my story and begging them to please find the little bird and help it.

Well, I got a response: they did go looking for the bird, the ranger found it and left the door open - the little bird went to the door and flew out! It is back outside now where it belongs. I'm sending big beams its way for a quick recovery.

(Note: In real life, I am a sort of shy and unassuming person. But when I find somebody or something that needs a rescue, I can be a TIRELESS advocate and helper. Never give up! If you can't help, FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL.)

Our soundtrack song . . . well, I've got two! First is the Johnny Cash crew, including the Carter family (with the amazing Mother Maybelle on autoharp!), the Statler Brothers, Carl Perkins, and the Tennessee Three, singing Keep on the Sunny Side. Second is Garbage, with Only Happy When It Rains.

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