Bunny Sploot! / The Heron's Lunch

It was hotter than the 4th of July, which is saying something. And humid, too. I was doing the thing I do in the high heat of sticky humid summer, of trying not to let one body part touch any other body part. It's almost impossible.

Let me just tell you right up front that I am not a fan of the heat. Give me 5 degrees F and frost mist rising from the stream, and I'm a happy girl. However, at temps above about 80 F, I start to melt.

There was not an air quality warning and it wasn't expected to rain or storm, at least not for a while. My husband and I decided to head for Bald Eagle State Park for a swim. It had been more than two weeks since our last swim, and it felt like far too long.

When he went out the front door early in the morning to do some things, my husband came back inside laughing his head off. He asked me to come out, and yes, bring the camera.

When I got outside, there was the head bunny rabbit, splooting, and enjoying the shade of my husband's Chevy Impala! What a smart rabbit! (Don't worry, this rabbit is fine; in about 10 minutes, it got up and moved under the shrubbery.)

We hopped in the car and headed for the park, and when we got there, we were surprised, for there were soft breezes blowing off the lake, and it was actually comfortable if you sat in the shade, which we did, to enjoy a picnic lunch we had brought.

After we ate, I took my camera and wandered over to where the boats are docked. I had caught sight of the amazing clouds and reflections at the docks on the drive in, and I knew I had to go and get me some of that!

So I strolled - following a shady route - over to the boats, and I was having a fine time photographing the reflections, when I noticed a rather large bird, fishing along the shore. A quick glance revealed that it was a heron. Yay!

There were picnic tables nearby, and so I sat down, and from there, I could easily watch the bird. I was also able to use the table as a make-do tripod. I sat my camera down on the table, and I snapped away, getting crystal clear shot after crystal clear shot. It was one of the best heron photography opportunities I've ever had!

At a certain point, the bird had hunkered down by the lake, and it came up with something in its mouth. I was afraid it was a frog but, as it turns out, it was a fish. Please enjoy a photo of the heron's fish dinner in the extras!

We did have a lovely swim after that. The water was almost like bath water, and it seemed higher than before, and cleaner than usual for this time of year. I think they may have moved the ropes for last weekend's Ironman competition, which may be part of why the swimming area itself also seemed bigger. All in all, a fine day at the park!

I have two photos, so here are my two soundtrack songs: for the rabbit, the Little River Band, with Cool Change; and for the heron and its fishing lunch, which somehow made me think of Jimmy Buffett, here are Jimmy Buffett and the Zac Brown Band, with Margaritaville.

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