Keith B

By keibr

Alpine Sea Holly - Queen of the Alps
We had really been looking forward to the 4th July and the UK election, but in the event it was something of a anti-climax for most of the day. On this actual election day there is very little news about the ongoing election, and being in another country we can't pop out and take in the atmosphere.
That anti-climax feeling changed in the late evening (11 o'clock in Sweden) when the exit poll could be revealed and we heard "Labour landside". What a relief - it actually seemed to be happening!  
I sat up another couple of hours to hear the first results but then my bed was calling!
The UK election is very unphotogenic if you are sitting in Sweden so I'll continue the garden pictures series. Today it is alpine sea holly
(Eryngium alpinum) which arrived in our garden as a 2-plant present from a friend, many years ago, and has steadily enlarged its patch. The bees love this plant a bit later in the season and seem almost drugged by the plant, so I often find several bees sitting around each "flower" if I take a look in the evening.  Lovely shape, lovely colouring, and it dries nicely too.
I spent a couple of hours in the garden, weeding and staking up some pea plants. Otherwise it was a remarkably idle day for me.

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