Keith B

By keibr


Another flower that just appeared here. I did transplant a couple of the more traditional purple variants from the forest into our garden many years ago. They took well and grew for the summer but didn't reappear the following year. However, ever since then different variants have popped up in various parts of the garden. Last year there was a large rosette(?) of foliage growing here and Jan correctly thought it was a foxglove in its first (non-flowering) year. I shall keep my eyes open for more of these rosettes this summer.
We seem to have got the most urgent jobs done in the garden now, and are moving on to the next stage now. Supporting the peas that have come up, chopping down small trees, weeding, weeding and weeding! We do pause now and again, just to look at the flowers...
Sometimes I even try to learn something new. This evening I found out the colour of foxgloves is controlled by three genes and depending on which ones are active there are four different colour variants. The ones I've pictured, growing in the garden, are the albino variation with only one of the genes present, if i understand Wikipedia correctly.

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