
By TonyG

Perfect Summers Day

An early start to pick Mum up from Porthmadog this morning.  She's had a relaxing week on holiday with B & P and is definitely in better shape than when I last saw her.   Mum is staying at mine for a couple of days as Chris has a nasty cold.  We have had a fairly quiet day since returning.  The highlight for me an afternoon walk with C and the Megs along the riverbank.   Little issue with my leg today, just sore and I have to step carefully for a while.

A zoom meeting, a trip to the health centre and a nice meal cooked for tea.   I popped to pottery for an hour this evening, glazing again.  Jamie and Clara are popping round for a few minutes on their way back from a beach barbecue as darkness falls and Tilda has just arrived for the weekend.  A houseful :-)

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