Splash of Colour

Eryngium bourgatii, proving reliably perennial in the garden here although it's not gaining size over the years.  I'll try and remember to collect seed before it's too late this year, the winds here scatter it quite quickly once it's ripe.

A busy sort of day.  A meeting at Jamie's this morning then after lunch, a trip to pottery with Ruth this afternoon.  I have a couple of things to glaze while Ruth has made lots of very little pots (for plants.)  She makes them at home with clay I have brought over to hers then I get them bisque fired here and she can glaze them while she's here.   Then a trip to the seafront where we met Jamie who had come down using his e-hand-bike.  Ruth switched to the hand-bike wheelchair and had a great time while I gave Meg some exercise.  Jamie and I cooked tea at his where the four of us - Tilda too - ate.   Tired now.  A snoozy evening remains.

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