Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Saxifrage Flower

The news was dominated by the result of yesterday's general election.  It will certainly be a change, but the wider imbalance between percentage of the votes cast nationally and the number of seats each respective party gained must perplex some people.

I swam first thing, then did a couple of hours work before taking some time in the garden to read a new book called 'My Brain Has Too Many Tabs Open' by Tanya Goodin.  It is quite thought provoking as to how our modern use of tech has changed the way we relate to other people and the impact it has on our well being.  Sadly, I see many examples in my relationship with technology that are highlighted by the contents.  I haven't quite got to the part where it makes recommendations on how to adapt to these new circumstances, but I'm looking forward to finding out. 

While in the garden I noticed that the small saxifrage plants I out in the garden earlier this year had flowered and grabbed one of my technologies to capture an image.

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