Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The Raven

The dove family I blipped yesterday has abandoned the nest. Glad I got them before they left. This morning a raven was snacking on the seed pods of snowbird neighbor's saguaro. It was there for quite some time, enabling me to get the camera. It came back later for another nibble. Since it's an all black bird, I thought I would present it in mono. There's a lot more definition in large.The extra shows a profile.

Steve the bug man came to spray this morning. I've a few small buggers in the bathroom which I'm sure are dropping from the vent. They'll be DOA. I wanted to go out for breakfast but he came just a little late for me so I had a small lunch instead. I brought an apple bear claw home with me. I haven't had anything sweet in eons so I have to scratch that itch. My stomach hasn't really settled down yet. Now I find out that I should have added the fiber supplement gradually. I will cut back a little and see how I feel. It would be nice to be in the presence of people, if you 'catch my drift.'

Two babies are in the nursery.
Baby 1: I'm a boy.
Baby 2: Prove it.
Baby 1: Not in front of the nurse.
Baby 2: Okay The nurse left.
Baby 2: Prove it.
Baby 1: Look, blue socks...

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