Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Eek x 2

A giant desert centipede welcomed me at the front door this morning. It’s 7-8 inches/18 cm long. Steve sprayed yesterday but it’s already been 5 hours and the thing won’t die. They have an extremely painful venomous bite/pinch. I read that they can even jump to capture their prey.

I went to the car dealership in Tucson for a new fob. The spare wasn’t in the car. I guess I misheard when I got the phone estimate. When I got home I put it on a key chain. I needed a pliers. The toolbox is on the floor in a small closet. Eek! I found termites. Had to reach out to Steve the bug man for the second time today.

I still have the singles meeting to attend. It’s been a long and weird day. And it’s only 1:30!

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