
By SparseRunner


On our last full day in Copenhagen, we headed for the Christiania "Free Town", a somewhat anarchic and semi-independent settlement of 1000 people that has existed since 1971. Colourful and cool, we spent a couple of hours exploring it, stopping off in one cafe for breakfast, and another to buy pastries. The sunny weather then disappeared, and we had a dull walk into the centre of Copenhagen before the rain came on and we dived into a restaurant for lunch of open sandwiches. 

It was bright after lunch, so we went to Tivoli Gardens, enjoying the atmosphere until the rain came on again and we had a coffee whilst sheltering. By then we'd digested our lunches sufficiently to have a single ride on a roller-coaster - the one in the background of the extra. It turned out to be relatively gentle, but it would have been very expensive to go on two as "one-off" rides. 

We broke our journey back to the hotel by walking through the University campus between two stations so that A could see what I'd appreciated yesterday evening. The light wasn't as pretty though.

Back in the hotel, we're catching up on stuff, before going for a drink at the bar across the road.

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