The Pensioner

By Pensioner


So very warm. I had to take myself for a walk rather than bake. All the way to the marina. And at the head of Cala Llonga there’s a new supermercado which I just had to visit. And look - here’s a view from it. Air conditioned and everything. Poor old Eroski.
Back to read, followed by the closest game of crib ever - the SK coming from behind to cross the line with two aces and scooping up the €25 prize.
Much later, we lodged our bets on the exit poll - what would labour’s majority be? Another €25 up for grabs. At 11pm (10pm Blighty time) the result was given out predicting a Labour majority of 170 and it was my turn to sweep up the winnings. And the SNP predicted to just win 10? Surely that was way wide of the mark. But that, dear reader, is for another day.

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