The Pensioner

By Pensioner


The SK skipped off down town to do some shopping first thing. And she brought me back a cap. How very thoughtful. She thought I’d look the part on the water. And I do!
Meanwhile I was busy booking a little jaunt to the northern archipelagos for early September. I maybe (ok, definitely) should have done this a few months back as accommodation isn’t plentiful on land or aboard ship. Still, I managed to land about the last cabin for the return. Pet friendly it declared. But when I got to the checkout, as well as the cabin, it had added £15 for a pet! Anyways, I backtracked through the screens - but couldn’t see anywhere to remove the beast so thought I’d remove the cabin and re-add it. In that instant, all cabins were gorn! Strewth. Perhaps I needn’t worry: with my new headgear I’ll easily weasel my way into the officers’ quarters.

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