Cartrefi delfrydol

Cartrefi delfrydol ~ Ideal homes

“One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night.”
― Margaret Mead

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Treulion ni pum awr yn cerdded o gwmpas IKEA. Pum awr. Roedd llawer o ymarfer corff i ni. Yn ffodus rydw i wedi ffeindio fy mod i'n hoffi siopa hyd yn oed pan mae yn bennaf ar gyfer rhywun arall.

Heddiw roedd Daniel yn prynu llawer o bethau am ei ystafell; gwely, cypyrddau, silffoedd, ayyb. Oherwydd ei fod e'n gweithio yn IKEA roedd e wedi cael disgownt staff a thalebau ac felly roedd e'n gallu prynu llawer o bethau heb wario llawer o arian.

Roedd rhaid i ni stopio - dwywaith - ar ein pererindod i gael rhywbeth i fwyta ac yfed ac roedden ni wedi blino ar ddiwedd y dydd. Mae rhaid i ni aros nawr tan ddydd Gwener am y trên camel i ddanfon popeth i ni. Yna mae'r gwaith gosod yn dechrau.

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We spent five hours walking around IKEA. Five hours. We had a lot of exercise. Luckily I've found that I like shopping even when it's mostly for someone else.

Today Daniel was buying a lot of things for his room; bed, cupboards, shelves, etc. Because he works at IKEA he had a staff discount and vouchers and so he was able to buy a lot of things without spending a lot of money.

We had to stop - twice - on our pilgrimage to get something to eat and drink and we were tired at the end of the day. We now have to wait until Friday for the camel train to deliver everything to us. Then the installation begins.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ystafell fyw fodel yn IKEA
Description (English): Model living room at IKEA

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